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A Picture is worth a Thousand words!
And more pictures bring Qualified Buyers!
Sell Property in less days!
Help sell your own listings!
When a Customer calls you know he is interested,
He has seen the pictures!
 You can list your Property here and include up to
 "10 Photos"
 (Exterior & Interior pictures)
The description, price, and how to contact you!

The Fee is $100 for 90 days

e-mail the information and attach the digital photos of the Property.

Then when you place a small ad in the Newspaper, say:

 Preview Property & Details at:

A small ad in the newspaper directing your customers to our Web Site to see Pictures & Details about your Property Brings Fast Results!

Click "Buy Now" to pay $100 with Credit Cards and to e-mail your photo and details.

 Pay $100
For a 90 Day Picture Listing

(Total Marketing Concept & cycle color)
Payment for:
Name of Account:
90 Listing  and
 We take the Pictures!
Pay $150
* If you don't have the time or Digital Camera, for $50 our Photographer will come out and take your pictures!

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Name of Account:
Click on e-mail to send  Photos and details of sale!

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