Our Local Guide to Shopping, Business, and Restaurants in this area!
This is the best low cost way to promote your business, get additional exposure, and reach new customers moving into the area.
The most successful businesses advertise on a regular basis, and are getting involved with Internet advertising.
Here is an economical way to get a Web Site designed for your business and list it on a local Guide for just pennies a day!
Visit us often!
About Us
Your competition has a Web site,
Your Business needs one too!
Discover 5 Vital things you need to know!
1. What is a Domain Name, and cost? ( www.yourname.com)
2. What is Hosting and cost?
3. What does a Website Cost?
4. How will customers find my Website?
5. Who can I actually talk to, not e-mail or voicemail?
and how long will I have to wait for my reply?
Website & Internet Marketing explained
Website description:
A website can be as complicated as your daily newspaper (Sun-Times or Tribune), the “Yellow Page” phone directory or like your favorite magazine (Newsweek, Woman's Day, Reader's Digest or Road & Track, etc.) or it can be as simple as a one page neighborhood newsletter. You can change the information once a year like the Yellow Pages, or daily like the newspaper.
The URL (Domain Name): *Http://www.yourdomainhere.com is the address of the storage space where your website is stored after it is assembled. You rent the domain name, the same as you rent storage space to store furniture.
*If you know this address, anyone can go there to get a copy of your website.
Search engines like: Yahoo, Google & MSN (there are hundreds) are like the convenient food marts, the White Hen pantries & the many gas stations and mini-marts where you can find newspapers and magazines available.
The Monthly service we provide at: www.ourlocalguide.com our advertising and Search Engine Optimization of your website pages is like the Delivery trucks and drivers that pick up the newspapers and magazines and distribute them to the convenient food marts, the White Hen pantries & the many gas stations and mini-marts.
Search engine delay: When you first start out. It takes time to buy the trucks and hire and train the drivers to deliver the newspaper and magazines. This is like the time it takes for your website to start being found by the search engines. (minimum 2 months to 8 months for some)
*With the Domain name address, your customers can only find your website by typing in the exact address in the URL box. Example: http://www.ourlocalguide.com
This is like going to the storage facility to pick up something you have stored there.
*Your website will not be found by the search engines at this point.
Once we do our part: list and advertise your website on: (www.ourlocalguide.com) then setup and optimize your website pages for the search engines to be able to find them, in time (2 to 8 months) the search engines will start finding and listing your website when you search for it using the term you think customers will type in the search box. (your website or business name)
*At this time we still are retaining the low monthly cost of $50 per month for the advertising and maintenance of your website, or webpage advertising.
Website design * Internet marketing explained 11/11/2005
Call Now! "Start increasing business Fast" (708) 921-1222
What's This all about?
We provide a low cost service to help increase Customer Traffic to local businesses.
The Customer incentive, is the "Web Special" offered by the Businesses listed, & The "Local Information" links, available from this site.
"Business Listings" start at: $50 per month!
A web site, or web page is like a brochure that you have designed for your business. Prices can range from as little as $350 to over $2000 in design fees.
A hosting service is a place to store your "Online Brochure". This service makes your web site instantly available for any person that wishes to see it.
A domain name is a listing name, with a set of directions, that tells anyone how to get to the hosting service that stores your online brochure
(web site).
When you visit: "Our local Guide" you can go to the Web Ad Mall to view the Free Classified Ads.
Anyone can post a free ad and even include a picture.
There is also a way to link it to your own web page for no cost!
Buyers & sellers, local coming events, school news, teacher sites with homework assignments, personals and more!
Local businesses can advertise here too!
Price List:
1. Host your web page:
This is a charge for computer space on our server's hard drive to store your online brochure.(To list your existing web site with optional picture )
$50 per month
$20 per month
2. Design your web site or Ad:
Up to three pages with information you supply. (Cost: $150)
Included with monthly hosting fee!
3. Domain name with directions to your web page.
Cost: ($35 per yrs.)
4. Design your web site:
Over the 3 page free site
Fee: $50 per hour
*Or approximately $50 per extra page
*$50 per hour
5. Domain name search of your choices:
Search and set up:
fee: $50 for 1 year.
$75 for 2 years.
6. Redirect your DNS information
so you can get to your web page with or without the use of www.
DNS (domain name server)
fee: $75 per year.
7. Classified ads at the "Web Ad Mall"
Fee: First four weeks free!
Free for first 4 Weeks!
8. Write the copy for your business, design a special layout, or carryout menu, take digital pictures to be included in your web page.
Fee: $50 per hour
9. Consulting:
$125 Per. Hour
We are providing a low cost way to reach the new people moving into the area, and help increase Customer Traffic to local businesses.
The Customer incentive, will be the "Web Specials" offered by the Businesses listed, & The Local Information links, available from this site.
"Business Listings" start at $50 per month!
Office: (708) 479-5100
Cell Phone: (708) 921-1222
Pager: (312) 797-1100