Light Switch Extension, light switch extender
    for kids!   
Welcome to the Just out of Reach * web site.
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*We are looking for Stores and online Dealers.

I can't reach it!
    Wow.....  kids grow up so fast.
They want to get to their toys,
their bedroom or the bathroom
by themselves.  But....
the next thing you hear is, "Mommy, Daddy, it's dark in here. Can you
turn on the light?". So you get up
to turn on the light.   
Sometimes you can't wait until
they are big enough to reach the
light switch by themselves....

For more information about the product, or information on becoming a dealer, Please contact:

A child can't find his toys in the dark!
Hallways are scary too, and what about the bathroom?
Have you ever heard This?
 Mommy, it's dark in here, can you turn on the light for Me?
That time has come!
Now small children can turn on
the lights by themselves with the
 "Just out of Reach"
light extension for kids!
This item is new,
not available in stores!

No tools are required.
It installs in one second and is re-useable in any room. It's easily removed in one second when no longer needed.


    Now  I can.

For product details!

1  Item
2 Pack
Multi-Pak Special!
Order (3) for $32.85

                        * Patent Pending

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(708) 921-1222

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